
Friday, 29 May 2015

[WIP] Kastelan Robots - continued

Today I have been working on the second robot. As mentioned earlier, I really wanted it to look like he is running, so I have been cutting and gluing most of the day to make that happen. This is the result.

It isn't perfect, but at least it's alot more dynamic than than Games Workshop inteded (which is good).

Besides this guy, I have started painting the other robot. I was pitched the idea of doing a digital reticle instead of making a completely black screen. Here's the result so far.

I personally think it is a cool effect that outshines the original model by far. The method of painting this however, is not easy by any stretch of the imagination. It requires blending and paper-thin freehand lines that have to be highlighted a few times to give the illusion of a blue glow. I don't think I want to do more than a few of these guys lest I go crazy.

Well thats all for now. I'll hopefully finish this fine piece sometime tomorrow.

Cheers - Andreas 2.0