
Sunday, 5 March 2017

It lives! ... And I'm finally about to get some hobby time again.

As you may remember, the last few months have been spent with me and the missus moving into our new home, our dream house. It's been rough, there's no two ways around it - packing 88 boxes with our entire life in it, and spending every waking hour packing, unpacking, painting (walls, not miniatures) and getting into place - but it's been totally worth it. Now we're just about settled in, and it. is. AWESOME.

My wife (bless her) has given me a most amazing man cave (well, given me permission to occupy a nice and large room in the basement - same thing), so I've been spending some time settling in there too. I've finally gotten a dedicated painting/converting table, which is great, after having spent the last 7 or 8 years I've been doing this, using the dining table, and cleaning up after every session. It's going to be really nice being able to leave the table in the middle of a project, and getting back to it too.

Anyway, I've managed to put in a couple of hours here and there on the Soul Grinder, and it's starting to come together. Very WIP, but getting there. Hopefully some more updates soon.