
Sunday, 3 February 2019

Murr-Loon da Wizard on da Walking Castle

Hi guys - although it's been a busy weekend, I managed to get a few hours of hobby time this sunday evening, where I got to work on my (Privateer Press Hordes) Trollbloods Mountain King, that had been sitting in dishwash and water for some hours.

I really like the idea of a giant troll being a hero in this army - but I just don't like the aesthetics of the Dankhold Troggoths, and the Forge World Troggoth Hag looks bad - in a bad way. I really don't like that miniature at all. However, the size and the concept (rules and abilities) were cool, so I decided to make something out of the Mountain King, which I've liked since I first saw it. Privateer Press are weird in that sometimes they make amazing miniatures, other times they look like... Well, poo.

Anyway, this is a great miniature. The size, the pose, and the details. Great cast too. There are a ton of gaps to fill on the rocks on his back, but this is pretty easily done.

The idea is that Murr-Loon, da mighty Shroomwizard, advisor of Arr-Durr, has somehow magically tamed this gargantuan troll, and rides the troll into combat (hence the magic abilities). The Troll throws rocks in every direction (6 vomit attacks, at 10") and hits very very hard (bulk and fist attacks).

I won't be doing too much to this miniature, as I really like it as is. I need to figure out exactly how to make the shaman stand of the shoulder of the troll (I imagine him holding a chain, bolted to some of the rocks?), remove the last of the troll whelps emerging from the trolls skin, and figure out how to make some ears.

First the photoshopped concept sketch:

Here he is (excuse the lump of blu tac holding his head into place while the green stuff is drying): 

And here you can see a close up of the face; Trollbloods don't have noses, which make them look very distinctive; this I needed to remedy, so I used a spare nose from the Rockgut kit, and modelled it onto the face - still needs greenstuffing, which I've tried to emulate with Photoshop here - I'm still pondering what I'm gonna do about ears though - any ideas? (Rockguts and River Trolls are a bit too small for this)  - but his new nose makes him look much more like he belongs in the Warhammer universe: