
Tuesday, 16 April 2019

A small break from the little blue buggers.

Yep, I needed a break from the little blue guys. The squigs are mostly done (needing a final highlight on the teeth and gums), and then it's on to the riders. And the rest of the of the army. ;)

Before that, though, I took a small detour and made some reinforcements for my Nurgle army. I've only used a Harbinger of Decay as a general, and for some reason I haven't considered the Great Unclean One as a general. After looking at his warscroll, he seems really cool and brings a whole new thing to the army (one of the things I really like about AoS is the way a general can change an armys synergy), so I decided to try him out.

Last january, the new plastic GUO arrived. A buddy had given me a recast version of the FW GUO some time ago, and while I really like the quiet menacing look he has, I like the new dynamic pose of the plastic GUO even more, so I got one, and started to go to town.

I gave him the classic iconic sword and flail (mostly because it looks cool), but while building him, I was wondering where to put the dark green I use for the armour of my Nurgle army, so I got the idea to make him a gladiator style shoulder pad. It'l obviously get scratched, dinged and rotted up later, but the basic idea is there. Also, for some reason I felt compelled to have a tree with bells growing out of his left shoulder - I'll try to come up with some fluff to explain it. Please note the adorable nurgling posing on the branch. :D

The other addition to my army is a Gnarlmaw. While it has some pretty cool rules, the real bonus, I think, is the way it gives extra contagion points. So I needed one.
However, I wasn't really a fan of the model as is. The branches seemed to weedy to my, and I felt GW missed a chance to make a REALLY creepy tree.
I started experimenting with some spare wyldwood trees, and once it got glued together and greenstuffed, I like it much better than the standard. I'm still deciding whether or not it needs the bells.

Lastly, I need to get my Pestigors (counts as plaguebearers) based and painted.

Small update - I got some more work done on his shoulder pad. I've tried to explain how I do it on the picture:

Here you can see how it looks more like a piece of the miniature now, rather than just tacked on. Still needs the leather strap done, though.