
Saturday, 27 July 2019

The Screaming Oak WIP

Okay - I usually don't share pics this early in the process of making a conversion, since it's extremely rough and basically in the "sketch stage" - things are blutacked on, some things are only placeholders, lots of sculpting and parts missing, etc, but at this point I'm trying to get the pose and concept locked down - so keep that in mind. I felt it would be interesting to share though, since it gives a glimpse into my very messy process of making models as described in the little essay I wrote a while ago, about models and poses. That, and because I'm SOOOO excited about it!

Here is the very early stages of my Screaming Oak:

I'm basically trying to make a treeman zombie. While GWs Treelord model is very good, it is portraying a beautiful and nimble kind of treeman. I wanted something that looks corrupted, shambling, monstrous and really really evil. I even used the classic "bent knee zombie pose", to illustrate the point. I also wanted some really massive talons, which are made from the Shardwrack Spine terrain kit - like I said, they need lots of sculpting, but I tried to echo the "hollow" look of the talons of the Sylvaneth Spite Revenants. The legs and body also need a lot of branches and sculpting and hopefully a mouth or seven.

The head is a placeholder for now - I like the tormented look, but I'm not sure if it looks too "off" from the rest of the tree aesthetic. Lots more branches and spikes needed all around, but I really really like it so far, and the "murder of crows" emphasise the forward motion further.

I'm still very open to suggestions and comments, so please, fire away! :)