Hey, what's this? A blog update less than a year since last time? Madness, I know.
I wanted to share my latest Warband - Legions of Nagash. The conversions that are in here are pretty simple, but I particularly like the Liche leader and the Seneschals.
Anyway, here they are; Drekhar the Risen and the shambling horde
Drekhar was once a necromancer of the Drak in Shyish. When Tamra ven Drak attracted Nagash' fury, by summoning the broken kings (which Nagash had imprisoned many centuries earlier) during the siege of the Rictus clans, in a desperate attempt to save her people, Nagash punished her by sucking out the lifeforce of all her people, the Drak, turning them into the undead, and made her a Deathlord, so she could forever protect them - a fitting punishment for her obsolence, in Nagash' twisted mindset.
Shards of Drekhars spirit however, him already being a powerful necromancer in life, hung unto his emaciated corpse. During the coming years, the embers of his soul grew stronger, eventually becoming sentient and he eventually regained his power, becoming a liche in service of Tamra ven Drak.
However, he sorely missed his brother, Draugan, them having been closely knit in life. Draugan was a physician in the Drak society, a man with the greatest respect for life and esteemed for his healing skills. Drekhar searched long and hard in the years to come, scouring the sea of souls for any sign of Draugans spirit - and at last he found him. He carefully siphoned out Draugan spirit, not to attract Nagash' attention. Alas, the Drak and their souls were being closely observed by Nagash, thanks to their leader Tamra being of interest in Nagash' eyes, and Nagash discovered the soul being siphoned out. Nagash, angered by the soultheft committed by Drekhar, decided to punish him - and so twisted and remade the gentle healers soul of Draugan into a being of pure evil, torment and cruelty.
When Drekhars ritual of summoning was completed, the skeleton body which Drekhar had prepared by scrimshawing every bone himself lay motionless. Instead a freezing cold engulfed his chambers, and through the shadows a coldhearted nighthaunt appeared - a Lord Executioner. Drekhar was heartbroken as he recognized the tattered remains of the its soul as his brother, but could not bring himself to banish it - now Draugan follows Drekhar and his undead warriors in Drekhars quest to undo the curse Nagash has brought upon his brother.
Apologies for the long lore - feel free to skip it.

The warband consists of Drekhar the Risen, liche (necromancer), his brother Draugan (Lord Executioner ally), his two guards (Seneschals) and 6 skeleton warriors.
Also, another couple of Warbands, though still lacking some lore;
And Tzeentch Arcanites:
I've also been a busy little bee, and constructed myself a gaming table. For the last few weeks I've been working on a dedicated skirmish gaming table for my man cave - (not that this has taken weeks, but spare time is limited with a toddler and a table full of sprues crying out for a attention) - both for my recent interest in 40k Kill Team, but mostly for my head over heels infatuation with Warcry. I wanted a nice gaming table, that gave a nice playing experience, more than just a cardboard mat thrown on the table. So I set to work;
I've made a 4 x 3' table from 18 mm flightcase plywood (really solid stuff), and framed it with wood moldings. I cut down a 4 x 4' mousepad gaming mat to fit, and I cut out some sheets of 5mm mdf, which I've covered with black felt (to give a nice feel, and soften the roll of dice), which can be laid out on the gaming mat, to give different gaming table sizes. The first one is 30" x 30" which I'm very curious to try out for Warcry - imo a symmetrical gaming field gives less of a direction, so to speak. It can also be laid out to give a standard 30" x 22" Warcry gaming field (second pic) or removed almost completely for 36" x 36" (third pic) or altogether for 3 x 4'. Very flexible.
The ruins are actually two sets of Warcry starter ruins - I've assembled one set standard, and went to town on the other set, so they look different, and can be built upwards to a second storey.
The felt covered mdf also gives a nice sideboard for things like models, dice, cards, etc. The ruins are still in the process of being painted (which takes forever), but will end up looking like the fourth pic. I still need to mount the legs, which are cheap screw on legs from Ikea, so it can be stowed away behind a door.
I hope you can find some inspiration in this - I thought a lot about how to do this in the most flexible way.