Monday 16 October 2017

... Blight Shroud Terminators?

As promised, here is my progress on the "Blight Shroud Terminators". I'm much more happy with this, than the standard Blight Lord Terminators. They just don't feel or look right to me. These however - these I feel give the massive, hulking feel of 1.5 tonnes of armoured decay, evil and ceramite that I want them to have.

I will warn anyone attempting do these however - these are NOT simple arm swaps or easy conversions. They involve very complicated removal of arms, sockets, etc. and some quite complicated cutting to get the new arms to sit right. However, I think they're definitely worth it, and I can't wait for the other box of Death Shroud (which seems to be sold out almost everywhere in Denmark at the moment) so I can make another two combiplas/axe guys and a Mace of Contagion carrier. More to come soon...

And a size comparison; even though it's the biggest of the Blight Lord Terminators, the champion (second from right) is still dwarfed both in height and girth by the new conversion - and the Grey Knight just seem to have lost all hope. ;)