Saturday 29 July 2017

A new beginning - The Witchling Handler

As some of you might know, something terrible has happened. Photobucket has become a paid service, which means I won't be using it any more. Google, however, remains a free hosting platform, and this is great news for our blog. From here on out, I will be posting all my miniature pictures through the 'bitter old painters' blogspot. I still won't be posting regular updates or long walls of text, but there will generally be a steady inflow of new miniature pictures from me. I am not sure if every picture will be acompanied by an update, but at least my gallery will start to grow from here on out.

And as every new beginning has to start somewhere, I herby present you with 'The Witchling Handler'. I loved painting this model so much, that I tried a few new techniques on her. Most notably are the purple tinted shadows, which really helps the red coat pop. I am very proud of this piece, and I can't wait to get going on the next malifaux miniature. 

Now, back to painting.

/Andreas 2.0